Collective Bargaining, Labour and Environmental Rights: the Spanish Experience


This article focuses on the Spanish Just Transition process through the role of collective bargaining, following the adoption of Law 2/2011, of 4 March, on Sustainable Economy. Taking into account the main findings of the Agreenment project, this article deals with the ‘green’ clauses in Spanish collective agreements. Through the analysis of collective agreements signed at sectoral and company level, negotiators have included many environmental clauses, ranging from environmental principles of action of companies as economic agents and as an employer in labour relations to rights and obligations related to wages, transport, health and safety and information and consultation with workers. The new collective representation of workers and the interests in environmental matters are also examined. The important role of social dialogue is highlighted in relation to the conclusion of the new Just Transition Agreements. It is argued in favour of the interrelation of collective bargaining and environmental protection across the subjects analysed, highlighting the need to explore green jobs through new occupational categories and the potential of social dialogue at all levels.

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