Emotional Labour Well-Being and Leadership among Spanish Academics


The adaptation to flexible work during the COVID-19 pandemic has meant that researchers still do not know how professional dynamics function correctly in this new context. In this research, we focus on new issues that have arisen in this era of hybrid work, with the aim of improving performance, conciliation, and emotional labour well-being in the specific professional environments of Spanish universities and research institutes. We show the results from a survey comprising 451 academics. Aspects such as management and leadership over their work and promoting well-being in their work spaces and co-workers, have been observed and identified in the survey. The figure of a leader emerges as someone who is communicative, collaborative, and that helps colleagues and their professional development. We suggest that a tightrope walker leader, that is, one who knows how to strike a balance between individual needs and collective interests, could be the key to ensuring the well-being of academics

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