In this paper, issues and future directions will be discussed with reference to examples where the program has been used to employ disaster victims, on the perception that employing disaster victims as a driving force for the revival of communities is the primary significance of employing disaster victims. The paper will be composed as follows. First, an outline of the Emergency Job Creation Program will be given, and the basic scheme and its implementation in the three disaster-affected prefectures (Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima) will be summarized. Next, temporary housing support projects in Ofunato City and Otsuchi-cho, Ishinomaki City, Tagajo City, Watari-cho and Iitate-mura will be highlighted, and comments added from case studies. The role played by this program in maintaining and reviving local communities will be discussed, based on the way the program is managed and on the job content of support workers. Finally, the roles and problems of the program at the time of a major disaster will be extrapolated from the nature of these temporary housing support workers.