The European Social Model: Revitalizing the Debate about its Prospects


This paper presents and interprets the various approaches to the European Social Model (ESM) through an industrial relations perspective, in order to discuss its present state and future prospects. In this sense, an attempt is made to move away from the debate on the ESM, giving priority to its impact on IR and the role of scholarly work in stimulating a process of adaptation of its scope and coverage which meet the needs of the EU citizens. Academic and joint research conducted by scholars and practitioners at a European level points to past convergences and a current divide on both methodological and conceptual developments of the ESM. A growing state of uncertainty concerning the role of labour relations in Europe and the ongoing economic crisis impact the future of the ESM and is progressively changing its extent and main features.


Keywords: Social Dialogue, Labour Relations, Social Model, Collective Bargaining, Europe, Social Partners, Scholarly Work


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