About the Journal

Focus and Scope

La Revista Electrónica Internacional y Comparada de RELACIONES LABORALES Y DERECHO DEL EMPLEO es una revista trimestral de acceso libre, abierto y gratuito, promovida por ADAPT University Press en colaboración con el Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).
La Revista aborda los siguientes temas: las relaciones de trabajo; el empleo; la gestión de recursos humanos; la salud, seguridad e higiene en el trabajo; la psicología del trabajo; la sociología del trabajo; la economía laboral; la política laboral; la legislación laboral y, la  historia del derecho laboral.

Publication ethics and best practices statement

The editorial team of the E-Journal of International and Comparative LABOUR STUDIES is committed to the academic community by ensuring the ethics and quality of its published articles. As a benchmark, the journal uses the code of conduct and best practices as defined by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) for editors of scientific journals.

In compliance with these best practices, articles are evaluated by two external, anonymous, peer reviewers according to criteria based solely on the scientific importance, originality, clarity, and relevance of the submission. The journal guarantees the confidentiality of the evaluation process, the anonymity of the reviewers and authors, the reviewed content, the critical reports submitted by the reviewers, and any other communication issued by the Scientific Committee or Advisory Board. Equally, the strictest confidentiality applies to potential complaints, claims, or clarifications that an author may wish to direct to the editorial team or the article reviewers.

E-Journal of International and Comparative LABOUR STUDIES declares its commitment to the respect and integrity of work already published. For this reason, plagiarism is strictly prohibited and texts that are identified as being plagiarized, or having fraudulent content, will be eliminated from the evaluation process. In accepting the terms and conditions of publication, authors must guarantee that the article and the materials associated with it are original and do not infringe copyright. The authors will also have to state that, in the case of joint authorship, there has been full consensus of all authors concerned and that the article has not been submitted to, or previously published in, any other medium.

La Revista Internacional y Comparada de Relaciones Laborales y Derecho del Empleo se encuentra indexada en las siguientes bases de datos:

  • OAJI (Open Academic Journal Index)
  • ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • MIAR
  • Reconocida por el ANVUR (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca) como “Revista Cientifica” en el Área 12 “ciencias juridicas”.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.