La adaptación de las formas de representación colectiva a los cambios productivos: reflexiones a partir de la idea de intereses del trabajo


In recent decades, profound social transformations have taken place and have significantly modified the relationship between citizens and the world of work and their identity as workers. The fragmentation of production processes and business realities, subcontracting and supply chains, as well as the phenomenon of false self-employed and precarious self-employed, among others, have an impact on the interests linked to work and make it difficult to represent these interests. This article proposes ways of intervening to strengthen the link between trade union organisations and groups of workers who find it more difficult to link up through workplaces. It also analyses the role that new actors can play in the field of representation and emphasises the need for some changes in the legal framework to improve the effectiveness of representation institutions in order to ensure collective representation of work-related interests.

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